BUGS Hurricane's Snowburst

Percentage (50%) black dappled doe by RBGO Hurricane Glory and out
of Zoey, a big broody black dappled commercial Boer doe. She
has been hardy and required very little management. She is big
bodied with a nice spring of rib and a level top and a beautiful
udder. We have used a percentage son of hers in our herd to
improve size and maternal traits.
BUGS The Devil's Simply Vamp
Fullblood paint doe by **Ennobled Lindsay Acres Devil Dog and out
of **Ennobled S G R Lipstick's Painted Version. Vamp has a strong
show pedigree and a classic shape with a level top and square
build. She is very proportionate like her dam. She
maintains her weight well.
Vamp is consistently putting the
highest quality kids on the ground. She out produces herself
every kidding
11/30/24 Twins-buck and doe sired by
CHNL Home Slice

BUGS Raven Maven

Purebred (98%) black doe by **Ennobled FNHR High Output
(10681393) and out of BUGS Cherokee's Walelu (10700160) by RLP
Bull City Cherokee **Ennobled. This is a wonderful outcrossed
pedigree. The top of her pedigree is a modern show type and the
bottom is old style with an abundance of hardiness. She has a
classic head and plenty of bone. She is a great mother and
has fostered kids after weaning her own.
BUGS The Devil's Bacall
Percentage (75%)
black headed traditional doe by **Ennobled
Lindsay Acres Devil Dog
and out of BUGS Grable. Bacall is from a Kiko
cross dam line. Bacall has been a great producer for us,
consistently giving us beautiful kids.
2/27/25 Twins sired by
Stillhouse Shacked Up

BUGS About To Catch Fire
Traditional percentage doe sired by
**Ennobled** TST1
Windy Acres It's About To Go Down
out of BUGS Katcher. Fire is a super elegant doe with great
neck extension and overall body length. She is correct in
her structure.
12/1/24 Twins-buck and doe sired by
CHNL Home Slice

Magic Uduns Wreath of Flames

Black paint fullblood doe.
We are really excited about this doe's future in our herd. Very
hardy type raised on minimal input and raised twins as a yearling.
Crossed with our show buck we are hoping for some great kids that
could excel in a meat program or potentially in the show ring.
12/4/24 Twin does sired by
CHNL Home Slice

BUGS About To Rise Above
Traditional fullblood doe sired by
**Ennobled** TST1
Windy Acres It's About To Go Down and
out of
HBG27 Tamara's Cherry Bomb by a Coni Ross buck. Perfect combination
of show genetics and hardy production genetics. She is big
boned and well muscled with a strong rack and loin. She has
been an excellent mother.
Due May 2025
Confirmed bred to
X Factor

BUGS All About Me
Traditional fullblood doe sired by
**Ennobled** TST1
Windy Acres It's About To Go Down and
out of **Ennobled ** S G R Lipstick's Painted Version. Mimi
combines some of the best show genetics in the industry. Her
dam has also proven to be one of my most productive and hardy does
in the herd. Her sire and dam have a combined point total of 736,
including individual points and progeny points
12/2/24 Twin doe kids sired by
CHNL Home Slice

Stillhouse Twisted Sister

Traditional percentage (75%) doe kid sired by
Stillhouse Hey Bartender (**Ennoblement pending) and out of Stillhouse Ruby Slippers *Doe
She is wide chested, wide topped, and bold ribbed. Beautiful
profile on this doe!
Overall Reserve Percentage doe at both shows at
WV State Fair 2021. Her dam Stillhouse Ruby Slippers has
earned her **Doe Of Excellence**.
Due March 2025
Confirmed bred to
Stillhouse Shacked Up

BUGS Jambalaya Jazz

Caped fullblood doe kid sired by
NEWTON FARMS Jambalaya and
out of LHFG Shoofly Pie, a direct daughter of RLP Bull City Cherokee **Ennobled.
Jazz was one of our fastest growing doe kids. Her dam was still
producing at age 9 unlike many show lines.
Reserve Champion Junior Fullblood Doe at 2021
Rockingham County Fair
12/8/24 Twin bucks sired by
CHNL Home Slice


Blue roan Nubian doe. Maizy has kidded twice and is
a great mother. She has an excellent udder
for milking. We will be using her in the future on our Boer
bucks. Great temperament. Big framed.
3/4/25 Twins sired by
Stillhouse Shacked Up

Sloe Gin Fizz

Commercial red dapple doe. Fizz has been a tremendous mother and
has out produced herself extremely well. She is a smaller framed but stoutly made doe with a smooth topline, plenty of muscle and bone. She stands well on her
legs. She has a gentle sweet personality.
12/2/24 Doe kid sired by
CHNL Home Slice

BUGS Midnight Flair
Black percentage doe kid sired by
Stillhouse Stroke of Midnight and
out of BUGS About To Catch Fire. One of our most stylish and
productive doe lines.
Overall Gr. Champion Percentage Doe at
Rockingham County Fair 2022
1/16/25 Buck kid sired by
GFXL Hitman

Willcare Nightbird
Black Nubian doe. Birdie is very
structurally correct with a beautiful udder. She is long and level
and upfronted. Her doe kids should make exceptional dams as well.
She kidded easily her first kidding and is a good mother.
Due March 2025
Confirmed bred to
Stillhouse Shacked Up

BUGS Goth Girl

Black percentage (93.7%) doe kid
sired by
Stillhouse Stroke of Midnight and out of BUGS About To Catch
Fire. One of my favorite doe kids of all time! Her full
sister already kidded as a young yearling and was a great mother.
We are happy to have these two look-alikes in our herd.
Gothic lost her twin bucklings but is fostering a kid for us
BUGS Crazy On You
Black dapple paint percentage doe sired by
BUGS Midnights Red Galaxy and out of BUGS Midnights
Raven Maven by FNHR High Output **Ennobled. Crazy is a
long bodied doe with plenty of bone. Great maternal
genetics on top and bottom of the pedigree.
12/10/24 Buck kid sired by
CHNL Home Slice

BUGS Diva Doll

Red paint fullblood doe kid
sired by LHF5 Locust Haven Pappy O'Daniel
(top 10 in his class at 2021 ABGA Nationals) and out of BUGS The Devil's
Simply Vamp (**Ennobled Lindsay Acres Devil Dog and out of
**Ennobled S G R Lipstick's Painted Version). One of the best kids
we have ever produced in 20 years. From the moment she hit
the ground, we knew she was a keeper. She is super correct
throughout and is so eye catching.
Diva lost a beautiful set of red
QUADS this year about 10 days prior to her due date but she is
raising a bottle kid for us. She grafted so easily onto this
kid. She is a natural mother.
BUGS Estella
Caped fullblood doe kid
sired by
LHF5 Locust Haven Pappy O'Daniel and out of BUGS Jambalaya's
Ruby Royale. Her sire has 77 ABGA points from
limited showing and was in the top ten in his class at 2021 ABGA
Nationals. Her full brother was the fanciest wether we bred
that season. This doe could easily produce ABGA breeding animals
or killer wethers.
Estella is a BEAST, muscled like a body builder, without losing
her femininity. She is super smooth over her neck/shoulder
connection and her loin is tremendous. She epitomizes Boer
breed character.
2/3/25 Twins sired by
GFXL Hitman

BUGS Belle Of The Ball
Traditional fullblood doe kid
sired by
LHF5 Locust Haven Pappy O'Daniel and out of BUGS Jambalaya
Jazz. Belle was the widest, thickest kid her kidding group. It is hard not get to excited
when you run your hands over this doe.
Her sire has really put a ton of muscle on all of his offspring.
He has 77 ABGA points from
limited showing and was in the top ten in his class at 2021 ABGA
Nationals. Her dam was Reserve Champion Junior Fullblood Doe at
the 2021
Rockingham County Fair.
12/2/24 Twin
doe kids sired by
CHNL Home Slice

GFXL Platinum Sweetness
Black dappled fullblood doe kid
sired by GFXL Platinum Decision
a son of LK7 Black Label **Ennobled and out of RMA2 Sweet Whisper.
When the Ganoes dispersed their herd, we knew we had to have this doe. She is
a beautiful show quality doe. Smooth and balanced
throughout. Extremely correctly made.
Due May 2025
Confirmed bred to
X Factor

BUGS Figgy Pudding

Black dappled percentage
(75%) doe kid
sired by
Stillhouse Stroke of Midnight and out of BUGS Hurricane's
Snowburst. Big framed, tons of bone. Out of our biggest doe.
Fast growing genetics. Such great maternal genetics on both sides
of her pedigree. So excited about her future.
BUGS Sugar Plum
Black dappled percentage
(75%) doe kid
sired by
Stillhouse Stroke of Midnight and out of BUGS Hurricane's
Snowburst. Full sister to Figgy. These twins are big framed
and hardy. We think so much of these girls that we actually
bought Plum back to add to our herd.
BUGS Tayla

Tan/red heavy dappled paint percentage
(50%) doe kid
sired by
GFXL Hitman and out of our black Nubian
doe Willcare Nightbird. She is so elegant and upfronted. Her
dam has an amazing tight and high udder. This girl should
excel as a brood doe and give us plenty of color.
GFXL Hollywood Ruffin
Black paint fullblood doe. We
purchased Ruffin from the Ganoe's dispersal of their herd.
We are very excited to add another high quality GFXL doe to our